Stages Of A Romantic Relationship

September 1, 2023 0 Comments

If you are in a relationship with your partner, you may be wondering why it is not the same as before and whether it will last. Maybe you don’t want to accept that the relationship is going through phases. In fact, that’s how nature works. 

All of our experiences can be described by a series of rings with bells: up, up and down. This applies to everything in life; change is only constant. We are in eternal flux, a continuous process of change. Relationships cannot be excluded from this policy. After all, they are living things, two human systems that grow and change. These two people are always in a business relationship, so the process is bound to change as well.

1. Romance: Attachment to the Other 

Love is the first step in a relationship. It is motivated by initial interest, and later includes the option to respond to this interest. We are responsible for every choice we make, and these steps can lead us into love as we build the foundation of our union.

Love is like magic. You like the other person, enjoy them, enjoy being with them and around them. You see them as that perfect person who can bring you happiness and joy, and they inspire you to be amazing, beautiful, and beautiful around them. It seems like you both encourage the best version of each other to come out. 

Although love is a good step, it is also temporary. And that makes perfect sense; both physiologically and developmentally. Sexual energy, adrenaline and dopamine are high, but they are not enough to maintain the promise of a long-term romantic relationship. Continuous and high adrenaline is really dangerous to our health. Therefore, by nature, we are not happy, happy and surprised by our partner, so as not to hurt ourselves.

During the season of love, we love. However, being in love does not mean that we know and see the other as a whole, or that we really love them. We fall in love with a reflection of the other in our mind, we will know their Persona, their true representative of themselves outside the world. We also give them our Persona, checking carefully that it is good to start showing our pieces that we carefully keep inside.

The true vision of our beloved is not bad. Love is not a lie. In love, we are seen in all our loving capacities. It reflects who we are on the inside, without fear and dark spots. But the real is not the same as the real, because the real shows that others see us as a whole – and vice versa. 

2. Conflict: separation from another 

A period of conflict means distancing yourself from your partner. Although we are made to hate, even despise, conflict, we should not really fear it, because it is part of the process. We need conflict to move from romantic speculation to mature conversation in the beginning of a relationship. But this stage can be a big red flag of poisoning if it becomes a pattern for a couple. During the conflict, the good nature and love between you and your partner gives room for the truth of both of you. 

Love shows us the good side of our loved ones, while conflict reveals the dark side. However, anything in life understands light and darkness – one that does not have one another. We are in the exclusion and many shades of gray between two. It is a problem when we are different from our companions. We collect, we tell the story and we will use the dialogue to restore the balance – or only to break the link completely. It is inevitable that we will always be different, because we are different! No one is exactly the same, this clear fact should bring some comfort and consolation.

It is in times of turmoil that our shadow, our hidden side begins to emerge. Insecurities, fears, traumas, need to control, money games, lack of focus, neediness, pride and stubbornness will become evident. We are required to surrender our rights to money, our expectations of what a relationship should be, what our partner should give us, and how they should date. When we cling to expectations, we avoid looking at what is real, and that can be painful, even torture.

3. Consent: Integration 

If a couple does not destroy the relationship during a conflict, instead of choosing to win, talk, organize, and resolve the issue, they enter into a compromise. 

Finally, this is the time when light and darkness come together and you realize that you are a person with your strengths and weaknesses, just like your partner. You can view your relationship as a group. If you have overcome some conflicts, it can make you feel better and make you understand each other better. It has increased the trust and confidence between you and made you better with each other. 

This is really what true love looks like: security, harmony, balance, mind. You no longer have love for your partner, blind that they are not good and weak. You’re well aware that they’re not perfect, but that’s okay, because you accept, value, and generally love them now. Both of you are determined to work on yourself to do better, and in your relationship, to make it a safer place even for both of you. 

In conclusion 

Relationships have levels, like everything else in life.

If you want to deepen your commitment and promote intimacy, it requires daily choices to address, plan, and solve problems and honor the agreement with your partner.